“You are obligated to understand that you are unique in the world. There has never been anyone like you because, if there were, there would be no need for you to exist. You are an utterly new thing in creation. Your life goal is to realize this uniqueness."

— Aaron Perlow


Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else's life.      

— Kobi Yamada

Language of Uniqueness

Everyone has a Unique Position of Strength™ - most people are not clear or are not able to articulate it. 

The Strengths Quotient™ gives you the language to talk about your Unique Position of Strength in an incredibly powerful way - who are you are being, how you show up and what moves you forward. In being able to articulate but more than that, acknowledge this, you can recognize your significance in your life - the value and contribution that you uniquely create and bring to the world that distinguishes you from anyone else on this planet. 


New Possibilities

This heightened awareness creates new possibilities, expanding the breadth and depth of contribution in each endeavour and undertaking. And it is through this awareness that inherently expands the limits of what can be created.


Deliberate Outcomes

In the limited time that we have on this journey, on this adventure that we call life, this increases our capacity to optimise each event and create more deliberate and intentional outcomes.  We get into a higher level design mode, moving away from the reactive, operational mode.


Synergistic Engagement

It is an awareness of ourselves, and how we operate that generates a greater understanding and appreciation of how other people are being, and how they operate.  This significantly increases the quality of our interactions and ability to create greater synergistic results that can positively impact the world.


A World that Works for Everyone

Is it how in our own personal generation of our Epic Purpose, not only creates greater meaning and fulfillment, but also creates community.

In the end, it is our ability to see how our differences and uniqueness can actually create entirely new possibilities, new levels of collaboration and cooperation, that will bring us together, in how we can make the world work for everyone.

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